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Since the 17th Century Domaine Luneau-Papin has cultivated its vines in the heart of the Muscadet Sèvre & Maine appellation with love and humour through all seasons and across generations.

The history of Domaine Luneau-Papin is a story of the union of two Muscadet Sèvre & Maine families united by love, passing on the domaine from one generation to the next with a genuine passion for the land and the vine.

The domaine’s great wines have been perfected over several decades. At Luneau-Papin our skills, knowledge and our wonderful vineyards are passed on from generation to generation. Today’s work will shape the vintages of tomorrow – each will leave their mark.

The great vintages are worked over several decades. At the Luneau-Papin estate, the know-how of winemakers and plant heritage are passed down from generation to generation. Today’s work will make tomorrow’s vintages and everyone leaves their mark.

In the 2000s the Domaine Luneau-Papin started to convert firstly to organic viticulture and then to biodynamics. This process has been marked by memorable moments such as stopping the use of all systemic products, achieving the certification by Ecocert of all of the wines and being certified by Demeter and Biodyvin.

Over and above the vines and expertise a wine estate is above all about a talented team of various but complementary skills built  around a common vision. Here are profiles of the team members, who enable the domaine’s vines to produce good fruit.  

Share your tasting moments!

Identify @domaineluneaupapin in your photos and mention the #hashtag of the cuvée. We will present the best photos on our site.
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Phone: +33(0)2 40 06 45 27
3, La Grange – 44 430 Le Landreau – FRANCE

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